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OEDIV SecuSys GmbH of the it-sa 365

OEDIV SecuSys GmbH

OEDIV SecuSys develops sector-neutral Identity & Access Management Software.

About us






We offer

  • Authentication
  • User (rights) management
  • Biometrics
  • Identity and access management
  • Single sign-on


  • Energy and water supply
  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
Brückenweg 5
18146 Rostock

About us

At OEDIV SecuSys GmbH we have been developing sector-neutral software solutions for IT security since 1998. Our core business encompasses identity and permissions management (Identity & Access Management, IAM), consultancy and product-related training. Our team in Rostock comprises over 40 specialists under the business leadership of Martin Stratmann and Fabian Neumann, all constantly striving to find new solutions for the ever-increasing challenges in the process-based management of identities and access permissions. This, together with our specially designed SecuIAM product suite, makes us a reliable partner for mid-sized and large enterprises. In February 2020 we were acquired by OEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung KG, which has allowed us to further expand our technical network. Under our new name of OEDIV SecuSys GmbH we are now part of the multinational Oetker Group. In our pursuit of a dynamic, innovation-driven future, we place particular value on open and constructive interaction, both among ourselves and with our corporate clients. In both our technology and the range of services we offer, we are constantly setting new standards in the provision of scalable solutions with a focus on IAM and automation. These solutions relieve the burden on the IT Helpdesk, enable Compliance requirements to be met in full, and ultimately lead to cost and resource savings for our corporate clients.
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