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O&O Software GmbH

O&O Software - Creating Solutions!

About us








We offer

  • Endpoint security
  • Backup solutions
  • Vulnerability and patch management
  • Systems management
  • Data protection, data security


  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

About us

O&O Software GmbH was established in 1997 in Berlin, Germany by Oliver Falkenthal and Olaf Kehrer. The idea for the name “O&O” originated back in 1991 in the form of O&O Systemtechnik GbR, a company offering software specifically for students whilst the two founders were still studying. The name “O&O” came about spontaneously, as both founders first names begin with the letter “O”. In 1998, on the 10th February to be exact, O&O Defrag V1.0 was released, and the company that you see today was born.

Leading manufacturer of system toolsOver the course of the past few years, O&O has become a synonym for “Tools for Windows” and with customers and partners in over 140 countries, counts today amongst the leading manufacturers of systems tools for the Windows operating system. As a Microsoft Partner (the highest partner level) we are in constant touch with Microsoft and stand at the very forefront of new Windows technology. We are one of the very few companies worldwide who can license their products with Microsoft-based technology, thus being able to provide a crucial added value to the customer.

That is why 76% of the companies listed in DAX use O&O products, as well as 43% of those companies listed in the “Forbes 100 International”. Countless press awards confirm our passion to our customer. Our O&O Defrag product, for example, has over the past few years been voted Editor’s Choice time and time again, by both the National and International press, and has an excellent reputation, both with our customers and IT specialists alike.

Our customers save time and moneyIt is our aim that the customer should be able to concentrate on the important things, without having to waste time on or worry about maintaining their systems. That is why we have developed numerous tools that offer immeasurable help with performance optimization, data security, data imaging and with the recovery lost data. Millions of users each day save time and money thanks to our products, enabling them to meet their targets quicker and easier.

And it is not just corporate customers who we help. We also offer private users solutions to make their life in the digital age substantially easier. Such solutions include, for example, O&O MediaRecovery, a product that allows for the recovery of deleted pictures from digital cameras – at the simple push of a button.

Microsoft Partner and NATO supplierO&O Software GmbH has been a certified Microsoft Partner for 10 years now. As a result of outstanding performances in developing software for Windows, O&O was made a Microsoft Certified Partner/ISV in 2003, the highest possible accolade for an independent manufacturer. In addition, O&O has licensed parts of the Microsoft Windows operating system for use in its data recovery and data imaging programs, in order to start a computer from CD-ROM even when the computer has no functioning operating system installed.

O&O is also one of the few European software manufacturers that has Master Agreements with the Federal Republic of Germany and NATO for delivery of its software. Scores of NATO member states have been using O&O products for many years now, on both local and national levels.

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