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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-429

NoSpamProxy Disclaimer


Cryptography Anti-virus and malware protection Anti-spam solutions Email security Cloud (computing) security

Key Facts

  • Design disclaimers without expert knowledge
  • Disclaimer for more legal security
  • No additional software required

Product Description

NoSpamProxy® offers more than email security Keeping email disclaimers consistent and up to date is a constant challenge for IT departments. Their realisation still ties up resources unnecessarily or must be achieved using niche tools that have to be maintained as an extension of the respective email server. The secure email gateway NoSpamProxy solves these issues elegantly, making the purchase of additional software redundant. Unlock the full potential of email disclaimers The customisation of email disclaimers often fails due to a lack of capacity in the IT department which is unable to implement marketing requirements quickly. As a result, opportunities are likely to be missed, for example, to draw attention to events, new products or promotional offers. NoSpamProxy Disclaimer includes a web interface that allows marketing staff to manage, design and modify disclaimers autonomously. By selecting attributes from Active Directory groups it is possible to maintain different disclaimer texts for different teams or departments. This relieves the IT administration effectively, allowing the company to exploit the full advertising potential of email disclaimers. A simple way to reduce the workload of your IT administration With NoSpamProxy Disclaimer, the competition between marketing and IT departments finally comes to an end. The implementation of this important, cost-effective and powerful marketing instrument is no longer a source of friction. Among the benefits for companies is the fact that the IT administration is relieved of the burden of implementing marketing ideas into email disclaimers. The time gained can be used to advance other important projects and thus increases the agility of the IT department and the entire company.
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