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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-345

Security & Privacy Office as a Service

Product Description

We offer you that information risk management. Controlling your business risks is central to everything we do for you in that area. As you know that always leads to costs, without clear benefits in advance. It is therefore important to organise this as effectively as possible and never to spend more or less than necessary. The Northwave Security & Privacy Officers are your trusted crew who achieve that for you. We always translate our advice into practice. We are always focused on keeping a smart, practical approach to operation; an Intelligent Security Operation. Security & Privacy Office as a Service: You outsource your security management and privacy management. That way you ensure continuity and quality at lower costs than if you were to do it yourself. Security and Privacy measures: We divide risk-mitigating measures into actions focused on business, bytes and behaviour. Our strength is that we always work inter-disciplinary. That brings more coherence and synergy than if you were to use different parties for different measures. State of Security Assessment: This complete investigation, in which we combine a Redteam, interviews, phishing and awareness tests and desk research, shows where you stand, what the best course is for improved security and how you get there. Consultancy, Audits, Assessments: We carry out consultancy work, audits and assessments across the full scope of our field. It can be a tool selection for a large Cyber Defence Centre or a strategic workshop with a board of directors. And everything in between.
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