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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-345

RedTeam Security Testing

Product Description

Test whether the measures you have taken to protect your organisation’s treasure are also effective in practice. Our ethical hackers perform a realistic attack during a red team test that tests all the parts of your organisation: -Business: have you taken the appropriate organisational measures to protect your crown jewels or are there still measures missing that cause weaknesses in your security? -Bytes: are there any technological vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit? Are your monitoring and detection measures working properly? Are there enough layers in the security? -Behaviour: are your employees alert enough to recognise a phishing email and social engineering attacks by our hackers? Do your employees respond correctly when they identify a threat? The Red Team test gives you the answers to these questions. Based on experiences from our CERT and Security Operation Centre, our ethical hackers know exactly which techniques and methods the really malicious people actually use. By using this threat intelligence in our red team tests, those are always realistic and based on real current and relevant threats.
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