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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-345

Digital Forensics & Incident Response

Key Facts

  • 24/7 CERT Team
  • Certified Incident Responders
  • Professional Negotiation Team

Product Description

SPEED In a cyber incident it is therefore important to take quick and decisive action. This requires 24-hour availability of cyber experts who will resolve the incident and bring yout business back to usual. You can rely on the CERT of Northwave. RECOGNISED Our team consists of highly qualified forensic experts, “offensive security” specialists and crisis managers. In addition, we hold a licence from the Ministry of Justice and Security for conducting private investigations. We also work for five Cyber Risk insurers in resolving claims for their customers. That means that we can assist you in major cyber incidents, but also with digital fraud investigations, extortion or other nastiness. RAPID RESPONSE Many of our clients take a Rapid Response subscription with us. This guarantees the following advance in the event of an incident: Always up-to-date Response Plan. Guaranteed response time for first triage of the incident. Guaranteed response time “team on site”. Annual cyber crisis exercise.
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