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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-618

Managed SOC


Testing laboratory / consultation Application security Hardware security Mobile device managment Mobile security Network security Interface protection / Device management VoIP security Web application security Bandwidth management Big data Security Cloud (computing) security Content security Cyber-physical systems security Email security Endpoint security Consulting IT security Asset management / IT documentation

Key Facts

  • Real people an AI to complement your team of specialists
  • Use of the latest technologies from leading global manufacturers
  • Automatically expand your organization's security maturity to meet even the most ambitious compliance requirements

Product Description

The ideal answer to NIS2 requirements while easing the burden on your internal teams: Nomios Managed SOC.

Beyond incident detection, it's about threat analysis and proactive detection for proactive attack prevention. Among other things:

- Full security monitoring 24x7

- Faster response to threats

- Continuously updated threat intelligence

- Powerful analytics and machine learning

- Implementation of an adaptive security architecture

All the benefits of a SOC come with Nomios while limiting cost, complexity and time. Tailored to your organization's requirements.

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