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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-353

ASGARD Management Center

Product Expert





Managed security services Mobile security Network security Web application security Data center security Endpoint security Intrusion detection / prevention Vulnerability and patch management Security management SIEM Security information and event management APT protection Threat analysis Compliance / GRC (products and services) Computer emergency response team (CERT) Data leakage / loss prevention Data protection, data security Auditing Consulting IT security Forensics

Key Facts

  • Single System Live Forensics: Evaluating SIEM or EDR events can be a tedious task. Analysts often have to decide whether to check off a warning or order a full forensic analysis. ASGARD allows you to run a live forensics scan on any connected endpoint, providing a deeper analysis, saving analysts time and costs.
  • Triage: In today’s fast-paced threat landscape, we get numerous indicators of compromise (IOCs) from public reports, official entities, partners or sharing groups. ASGARD allwos you to quickly check end systems for a set of custom IOCs. It features MISP integration with a neat interface and supports manual STIX v2 imports.
  • Continuous Compromise Assessment: Compromise assessments provide an in-depth analysis including anomalies, suspicious elements and sometimes malicious activity. But this thorough analysis comes at a price: time and effort. In combination with the baselining features of our Analysis Cockpit, we limit the effort of every subsequent compromise assessment to a minimum.

Product Description

ASGARD Management Center is the perfect incident response platform. It not only lets you execute enterprise wide THOR scans. It also provides an easy to use interface for execution of complex response playbooks on up to one million endpoints – all from a single console.

ASGARD ships as hardened virtual appliance and features agents for Microsoft Windows, Linux, AIX, and MacOS.

Its rich API facilitates interoperation with SOAR frameworks, sandboxes, antivirus systems, SIEM systems, CMDBs, IPS devices – or in other words: with literally any security device you may have in place.

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