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Nextcloud GmbH   of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-227

Nextcloud GmbH

Nextcloud is the industry-leading, on-premises content and collaboration platform.

About us






We offer

  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Storage solutions
  • Data protection, data security
  • Document management
  • Open source (software and services)


  • E-government
  • Industrial IT security
Hauptmannsreute 44A
70192 Stuttgart

About us

About Nextcloud GmbH Nextcloud Hub is the industry-leading, fully open-source, on-premises team productivity platform, combining the easy user interface of consumer-grade cloud solutions with the security and compliance measures enterprises need. Nextcloud Hub brings together universal access to data through mobile, desktop and web interfaces with next-generation, on-premise secure communication and collaboration features like real-time document editing, chat and video calls, putting them under the direct control of IT and integrated with existing infrastructure. Nextcloud's easy and quick deployment, open, modular architecture and emphasis on security and advanced federation capabilities enable modern enterprises to leverage their existing file storage assets within and across the borders of their organization. For more information, visit or follow @Nextclouders on Twitter.
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