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Nexis GRC GmbH of the it-sa 365

Nexis GRC GmbH

Nexis GRC - Your experts for information security management systems!

About us




We offer

  • Risk analysis and management
  • Data protection, data security
  • Consulting IT security
  • Certification of products and services


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
Zimmerstraße 1
22085 Hamburg

About us

Nexis GRC GmbH, a Nexis Group company, has been one of the leading software providers for GRC (Governance Risk Compliance), ISMS (Information Security Management System) and data protection systems in Europe with its QSEC software solution since 2008.

Our philosophy is to provide our customers with the QSEC software solution, a tool that efficiently and reliably supports the (risk) management of information security and data protection in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27001, BSI IT-Grundschutz and the GDPR. We are always driven to further develop QSEC for our customers in such a way that we offer users real added value that saves time and money, in addition to constantly updating it in line with the latest specifications and standards.

It is particularly important to us to offer a flexibly configurable standard solution that can be quickly and easily adapted to complex customer requirements and individual customer needs.

In line with the trend towards integrated management systems, QSEC fits into the existing IT landscape and offers the additional option of working according to countless other standards thanks to its multi-standard functionality.

Our experienced team of experts supports partners and customers with in-depth expertise and best practice approaches during the implementation of QSEC projects.

With QSEC, Nexis GRC is also particularly focussed on cooperation with our sales partners, with whom we have already been able to implement many successful projects.

Well-known companies and organisations from a wide range of industries have relied on the cooperation with Nexis GRC and QSEC for many years.

With QSEC, Nexis GRC fulfils the requirements of the TeleTrusT Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V. trust mark "IT-Security made in Germany" and "IT-Security made in Europe".

Would you like to find out more about Nexis GRC and QSEC? We are happy to answer your questions!

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ISO 27001 | ISMS


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