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Nexis GmbH of the it-sa 365

Nexis GmbH

Enter a new level of enterprise authorization governance

About us






We offer

  • User (rights) management
  • Identity and access management


  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Critical Infrastractures
Rudolf-Vogt-Straße 6
93053 Regensburg

About us

Nexis GmbH is an expert company specializing in Identity and Access Management (IAM) and provider of NEXIS 4, the technology-leading Identity Analytics & Governance platform.NEXIS 4 offers cross-system analysis, risk assessment and visual (re-)modeling of authorization structures. The platform simplifies authorization and role maintenance and supports adherence to existing compliance requirements. From the financial sector to the automotive industry: companies from a wide range of sectors use NEXIS 4 either as a supplement to an existing IAM system or as a stand-alone solution for the successful implementation of existing access governance and automation requirements.Nexis GmbH also offers high-quality consulting services for the use of NEXIS 4 and for solving IAM-related issues. These include the creation of IAM roadmaps, the implementation of as-is analyses, process modeling work and general advisory support for customer projects.

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Identity Governance and Administration | Identity and Access Management


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