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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-146

Nevis Identity Suite


Biometrics Access protection Single sign-on Authentication

Key Facts

  • The Right Rights for Every User Who is permitted to access which data? Identity Management in the Identity Suite provides a binding answer to this question.
  • More Security Thanks to a Passwordless Login More than 80% of all digital security leaks and cyberattacks involve the use of stolen passwords. The password is a clear vulnerability for all online services. Passwordless authentication is not only much more secure, but also quicker, more practical and more user-friendly. This will delight end users and service providers alike.
  • Stopping Attempted Fraud in Good Time The tricks employed by online fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated. This makes it all the more important to protect yourself against cybercrimes such as account takeover (ATO), malware or payment fraud – as early as possible.

Product Description

Make CIAM an Experience – Secure and User-FriendlyWith the Identity Suite from Nevis, you can make access to your digital products and services convenient, passwordless and secure. The proven on-premise solution offers bespoke customer identity and access management – without compromising usability and security. With the Identity Suite, you can provide your customers with quick and secure access to all functions across different portals. Strengthening customer loyalty, you’ll be able to bring new digital offerings to market quicker. This will keep you dynamic and secure that vital competitive edge.

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