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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-421

Advanced Analytics

Product Expert




Key Facts

  • Data-centric The rapid adoption of cloud apps, services, and mobile devices has resulted in data going to places where traditional security technology is blind. Netskope takes a data-centric approach to cloud security, following data everywhere it goes. From data created and exposed in the cloud to data going to unmanaged cloud apps and personal devices,
  • Cloud-smart Cloud usage dominates the web, with cloud services making up the majority of enterprise web traffic. Securing this environment, without slowing down the business, demands a new security model based on contextual knowledge of the cloud.
  • Fast When it comes to security, performance and scale are often the biggest challenges. Reliance on the public Internet to deliver inline security causes performance challenges, and an appliancebased approach to deploying security does not scale. Netskope delivers real-time, cloud-native security, without the traditional performance trade-off.

Product Description

Understanding where the risk lies Netskope Advanced Analytics transforms the way security operations teams measure and analyze cloud and web activity. Draw rich insights about your application usage, exposure to risk, and the effectiveness of your security program. With Advanced Analytics, you can identify trends, zero in on areas of concern and dive into the details. More information:
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