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VdS 10000 / VdS 10005 Consulting

Product Description

The VdS norm 10000 for information security defines minimum requirements for a management system for information security for small and medium-sized companies. It is based on the recognized ISO 27001 and BSI Baseline Protection standards. With around 20% of the effort compared to ISO 27001, companies can derive measures and processes from the VdS guidelines with which they can achieve an appropriate level of protection in the IT area. We support you from the beginning or the introduction of VdS 10000, starting with the development of your security concepts and procedures up to the final auditing. SecuriZen is our tool for the professional integration of VdS 10000 in your company. With SecuriZen you can register your business processes, carry out your risk analysis, define measures and track the status of implementation. You can also create all the necessary guidelines and procedures directly with SecuriZen and use the extensive templates and boilerplates from us. We also advise you on the implementation, implement additional security measures on request, train and sensitize your employees and prepare you for the final audit.
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