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Software New

Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-337

360° Managed PKI & CLM






Public key infrastructure Managed security services Consulting IT security Identity and access management

Key Facts

  • No more expired certificates - keep an overview.
  • Replace Microsoft PKI (AD CS) or manage it optimally with our CLM, implement more use cases.
  • State-of-the-art security for e.g. NIS 2, DIN ISO 27001, GDPR, DORA, and many more. Highly available, scalable and fail-safe operation in a multi-certified German data center, comprehensive consulting and support from onboarding to operations.

Product Description

PKI Made Easy: Take Your PKI-Based Processes to the Next Level!

The 360° Managed PKI & CLM solution is designed for customers seeking user-friendly software that is quick and easy to implement.


  • Professional Package (CLM): Optimize the management and monitoring of your certificates without requiring certificates from an MTG Corporate PKI. Notably, it supports integration with selected public CAs and the Microsoft CA.
  • Ultimate Package (CLM & PKI): Need certificates from a private PKI or a replacement for your Microsoft PKI? The Ultimate Package includes all features of the Professional Package plus the functionality of a private CA.

Try it for free now – and explore all features in detail:


Comprehensively protect your business processes and meet legal requirements. Our solution supports all crucial applications needing digital certificates for security:

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Network Security (VPN)
  • Network Access Control (NAC)
  • Secure Email Communication
  • SSL/TLS Web Server Certificates
  • Management and Security of Mobile Devices
  • Digital Signatures for Documents
  • Code Signing


  • Never let certificates expire again – stay on top of it: Our user-friendly 360° Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) allows for easy, quick, and error-free certificate creation, providing full transparency over the status of all your certificates.
  • Meet important regulatory requirements: Many companies face increasing legally mandated security requirements. Regulations such as the IT Security Act, EU GDPR, NIS2, DORA, and industry standards like DIN ISO 27001 reference state-of-the-art IT security practices. A PKI makes a significant contribution here.
  • Easily manage public certificates: Public certificates are needed for secure communication with external entities. CLM simplifies these certificates' management, application, import, and operation.
  • Replace Microsoft PKI (AD CS) and implement more use cases: Seamlessly migrate your Microsoft PKI (AD CS) to 360° Managed PKI & CLM. Alternatively, you can continue operating your existing AD CS while connecting it to our CLM, enabling AD CS usage for additional non-Windows use cases, such as issuing Linux server certificates via ACME.
  • Utilize online support and comprehensive personal consultation: The 360° GSA website offers valuable information for PKI project planning and operation. An extensive array of FAQs, online documentation, and illustrative videos support users in implementing initial application scenarios. The expert 360° GSA consulting team is also available for specific questions or planning a proof of concept.

360° German Security Alliance is a partnership that ensures the successful implementation of PKI projects by combining the specialized PKI expertise of three strong German partners: MTG (Software), DARZ (Infrastructure Services), and XELANED (Consulting). This collaboration aims to meet the growing demand of small and medium-sized enterprises for user-friendly and reliably planned PKI solutions.

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