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Auditing Compliance / GRC (products and services) Security management Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management Cloud (computing) security Payment systems (PCI-DSS) Asset management / IT documentation Server-based computing Application security

Key Facts

  • We make IT security, risk, and compliance data-driven!
  • Security and compliance is currently report-driven, meaning a scan is done and organizations only get a report back, but not the raw data. Why is report-driven security and compliance not effective? Imagine Log4j comes out today. What was the first question everyone had? Where is the Java package installed? Based on a report, no company could answer this question because the raw data was missing.
  • Our approach involves breaking down barriers that have been long accepted by others. We make security understandable and accessible to everyone. We bring teams together who previously thought they needed to be separate.

Product Description

Mondoo is an Exposure Assessment Platform (EAP). We go beyond traditional vulnerability management tools by providing a consolidated view of high-risk exposures, which allows you to take key actions to prevent breaches.

Mondoo continuously identifies and prioritizes exposures, such as vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, across a wide range of asset types. We integrate vulnerability scanning, configuration assessment, and threat intelligence to give organizations prioritization and contextual insights to mitigate security findings that expose your business to threats.

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