MetaCompliance’s automated security awareness solution enables organisations to schedule their Security Awareness Training for the entire year and mitigate the risk of human-born error. Using a “set it and forget it” approach, automation of security training allows CISOs to save time and resources. This is a proactive and organised way of carrying out effective training programs, as opposed to hoping that an ad hoc approach to training will be enough.
The Benefits of Automated Security Awareness TrainingAutomated Security Awareness Training offers a cost-effective way to get a robust and effective security training program up and running, and keep up the momentum.
• Schedule your annual Security Awareness Training program.
• Ensure continuous learning, all year round.
• Drive a positive, engaging, security awareness culture.
• Quickly scale your cyber awareness program without additional resource.
• Free up time to focus on other responsibilities and tasks.
• Ensure compliance obligations are met.
• Improve audit results and demonstrate regulatory compliance.
• Reduce human error and remediate security risks.
Our automated workflow helps to prove the effectiveness of your security awareness program and provides the regulatory reporting required to demonstrate compliance obligations have been met. With our reporting functionality, it is simple to measure performance, gain insights and have full visibility of your security awareness program across the organisation.