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MACONIA GmbH of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-535


Take your security to the next level!

About us






We offer

  • Business continuity
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Security management
  • Document management
  • Consulting IT security
  • ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799)
  • BSI IT baseline protection


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
Kurfürstendamm 11
10719 Berlin

About us

Many companies and authorities recognize the current need for action to protect their increasingly complex structures and business relationships. Accordingly, they need to adapt their management processes under the aspect of security. This is where MACONIA's security consulting comes in. We work with you to take your security management and business processes to the next level.

Our independent experts have extensive specialist knowledge in various areas of security management. They analyze, evaluate and develop concepts that are tailored to your needs. We support you from the project sketch to the implementation in a trustworthy, integer and responsible manner.

Our consulting fields:

  • Security Management (DIN ISO 28000)
  • Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001)
  • Business Continuity Management (DIN EN ISO 22301)
  • Emergency and Crisis Management (according to BSI Standard 200-4)
  • Risk Management (DIN ISO 31000)
  • Travel Security (DIN ISO 31030)
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Security Management (DIN ISO 28000)
Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001)

| Risk Management (DIN ISO 31000)
Travel Security (DIN ISO 31030) | Emergency and Crisis Management (according to BSI Standard 200-4) | Business Continuity Management (DIN EN ISO 22301)


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