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LOGINventory of the it-sa 365


The premium solution for network inventory, license management and IT documentation.

About us








We offer

  • Asset management / IT documentation
  • IT service management
  • Data protection, data security
  • License management


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
Stefan-George-Ring 19
81929 München

About us

For over 30 years, we have been developing high-quality, reliable and modern software solutions in Munich for the inventory, management and documentation of hardware, software, configuration and licenses.


True to the motto: keeping IT simple


LOGINventory offers in its premium solution many modules for a secure and faster management of your hardware and software:

  • Network Inventory
    • Automatically provides a detailed overview of all assets (including servers, clients, switches and printers)


  • License management
    • Management of all relevant licenses for software, operating systems and access licenses


  • IT documentationComplete
    • IT documentation and report generation at the push of a button


  • Add-on assets
    • IT peripherals and accessories inventory



Test the software directly in full functionality with our free 30-day trial license


Or read through our enthusiastic customer testimonials

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Network inventory | Licence management | IT documentation | Client Lifecycle Management | Asset management


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