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LocateRisk   of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-409


Measure, compare and optimize IT security. Fully automated and KPI-based.

About us


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Related Companies


We offer

  • Compliance / GRC (products and services)
  • Computer emergency response team (CERT)
  • Document management
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 6
64295 Darmstadt

About us

LocateRisk offers a platform with which you can effortlessly assess the security of your IT environment, continuously monitor it, improve it in a targeted manner and prove it at any time. Those responsible from management and IT receive a comprehensible report on the security posture of their external IT landscape in the shortest possible time. The security score shows the current security status. The non-invasive check of the cyber attack surface reveals outdated applications, encryption, configuration errors as well as data breaches, etc. and provides appropriate recommendations for action.

In addition to the company's own cyber security posture, the solution also provides reports on the cyber security level of third-party companies and helps to efficiently implement supplier risk management. Task management and functions such as automatic anomaly notification additionally accelerate the process.

Independent technology - Made in GermanyAvailable in German and EnglishGDPR-focused testsTransparent & interactive scoringFilters and functions save time & resourcesRelevant for everyone - from SMEs to corporationsComprehensive automated processConnection to enterprise ticketing systems possible

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External attack surface management


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