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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-518

360° Security Assessment


Institutes / initiatives Backup solutions Security management Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management Penetration tests IT service management Threat analysis High availability Asset management / IT documentation Storage solutions Network security Mobile device managment Hardware security Data center security Business continuity Data deletion Authorities / associations Artificial intelligence Planning of data centers and IT infrastructures Managed security services BSI IT baseline protection ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799) Archiving / Long-term storage Consulting IT security Education / training / qualification Awareness Identity and access management Document management Data protection, data security Data recovery Virtualization

Key Facts

  • Holistic approach on relevant factors
  • Documentation of current situation
  • Reporting and review of status incl. concrete actions

Product Description

360° Security Assessment provides you with comprehensive advice. Together with you, we take stock of the current situation in your (IT) security environment. In various specialist workshops, your IT is analyzed from all sides and checked for security requirements. Backup, network security, identity management and security management are all part of the assessment. With subsequent recommendations for action, we discuss the security-relevant topics of your individual IT corporate strategy together with you. KRITIS - Healthcare and companies with special public interest as part of the critical infrastructure in Germany. The analysis of the existing IT security environment is relevant for companies of all kinds. Especially in the KRITIS environment we can advise you comprehensively on your IT security and implement the necessary projects with you to secure your business relevant information & data. The IT Processes workshop primarily deals with the review of the basic structure of your IT environment. - The basic structure of your IT environment - The existing inventory & IT documentation, - The IT processes, such as change and incident management, BCM - The existing governance and management system structures (ISMS) In the IT security workshop, the following sub-areas are analyzed, among others: - Network infrastructure / network services - Firewall - Application protection - EndPoint Protection - Vulnerability Management - Remote Access The Identity Management specialist workshop covers the following areas, among others: - Active Directory - DHCP - DNS - Public Key Infrastructure - Exchange In the Backup specialist workshop, our experts comprehensively analyze your backup environment. This includes among other things: - Documentation of the backup environment / solution - Emergency documentation - Backup strategy / media disruption - Ransomware / K-case planning - Technical questions about the backup solution
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