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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-312

Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response



Key Facts

  • Automated prevention, detection and response
  • Rapid response to incidents with all defensive measures
  • Real-time visibility into all detection actions, affected resources, and protection statuses

Product Description

Most security teams take an alert-driven approach to cybersecurity incidents, reacting only after an incident has already taken place. Meanwhile, new threats move in under the radar, leaving you with a false sense of security – literally. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the need to proactively hunt out threats lying undiscovered but still active within their corporate infrastructures.

Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) delivers advanced, round-the-clock protection from the growing volume of threats circumventing automated security barriers, providing relief to organizations struggling to find specialized staff or with limited in-house resources. Its superior detection and response capabilities are supported by one of the most successful and experienced threat hunting teams in the industry. Unlike similar offerings on the market, Kaspersky MDR leverages patented machine-learning models, unique ongoing threat intelligence and a proven track record of effective targeted attack research. It automatically strengthens your corporate resilience to cyberthreats while optimizing your existing resources and future IT security investments. 

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