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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-612

Ivanti Neurons for External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Logo Ivanti

by Ivanti

Product Expert



Data protection, data security Data leakage / loss prevention Threat analysis Risk analysis and management Endpoint security Mobile device managment Application security

Product Description

Combat attack surface expansion with full visibility of external-facing assets and actionable intelligence on exposures.Watch the Demo.

Unlock visibility of every internet-facing asset and associated exposure across your organization’s attack surface. Agentless monitoring uncovers assets that evade detection by traditional discovery tools, as well as those not normally monitored by security teams — think overlooked QA environments and forgotten marketing websites.

Additionally, Ivanti Neurons for EASM monitors continuously to ensure near-real-time visibility of assets, so you know right away when existing assets become exposed or new assets are deployed and can respond accordingly.

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Product Expert


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