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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-348

Digital Sovereignty Manager 2.0 - Tool to assess digital sovereignty



Key Facts

  • Assess cyber-physical products throughout the entire lifecycle in terms of digital sovereignty
  • Improve transparency of vulnerabilities and detection and presentation of possible courses of action with cost estimates
  • SBOM, HBOM and CVE integration

Product Description

The product allows to visualise the status of Digital Sovereignty and resilience of the ICT parts of a complex product and allows to recalculate the assessment in case of changing product elements by enabling "what-if" analyses. Included are mapping supply chains as well as using data from SBOM, HBOM, contracts, indexed chains of trust, know-how and certifications to gather existing risks bottom-up and mapping them to market standards. Hence, the Digital Sovereignty status of a cyber-physical product is mapped and potential impacts of changes are indicated. Additionally, the analysis functions not only increase awareness for Digital Sovereignty but also show options - especially of security technologies - to increase Digital Sovereignty. As a result agreed contract contents are distributed and stored in a resilient and unchangeable way between the participants using the latest blockchain technology.

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