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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-348


Key Facts

  • endpoint security
  • Blacklisting/Whitelisting
  • Interface control

Product Description

DeviceWatch provides granular endpoint protection by centrally controlling and managing all the interfaces and devices via black listing or white listing.


DeviceWatch provides solid endpoint protection by means of centralized control and management of all the interfaces and devices via black listing or white listing. Which person, in what situation and in what way is entitled to use a certain device is defined by the corporate security policy. However, these approval criteria for critical actions cannot stand up to all of today’s requirements. Thus, many more criteria can be established to be considered for the approval of an action in real time, including time, system state, active network connections or active processes. For each criteria you can decide yourself – depending on the required security level and administrative procedure – whether to use black listing or white listing.

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