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IT-Kompass GmbH of the it-sa 365

IT-Kompass GmbH

We just do it - simple.

About us




We offer

  • Email security
  • Managed security services
  • Education / training / qualification


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

About us

IT-Kompass GmbH was founded in 2002 by Stefan Aubele and has since established itself as a reliable IT system house for companies of all sizes. IT-Kompass offers comprehensive support in the areas of IT infrastructure, IT security, cloud solutions, digitalization and e-commerce systems.

IT-Kompass GmbH has continued to develop and is now an innovative partner for customized IT solutions, particularly in the area of email security. The IT specialists at IT-Kompass GmbH work on flexible and cost-optimized solutions that meet the individual needs of their customers. The company now employs around 50 people.

Further information can be found at

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IT-Kompass | IT system house | IT service provider | E-Mail Signing | E-Mail Security | E-Mail Encryption


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