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intersoft consulting services AG of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-704

intersoft consulting services AG

Data Protection, IT Security and IT Forensics: We keep you on track.

About us


We offer

  • Awareness
  • Consulting IT security
  • Forensics


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
Beim Strohhause 17
20097 Hamburg

About us

intersoft consulting is a specialized consulting company in the areas of data protection, IT security and IT forensics. For more than a decade, our offices in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Cologne have been very successful in supporting small companies, medium-sized businesses as well as large international corporate groups with pragmatic and secure recommendations for action. Data protection: As one of the leading service providers in the field of data protection, we provide external data protection officers nationwide, advise national and international companies in all matters, including special issues of the GDPR, for the successful implementation of your measures. We establish a data protection organization in the company and find tailor-made recommendations for action for your needs. Our data protection consultants are lawyers with IT expertise who have an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience. IT security: Effective information security is a process that encompasses technical factors, infrastructural conditions as well as organizational and personnel aspects. As certified IT security experts for industry-independent standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 27001 based on IT-Grundschutz to industry-relevant guidelines such as VDA ISA/TISAX, VdS 10000, VAIT, we provide qualified and diverse support with a wealth of experience and field-tested solutions. IT forensics: Our team of certified IT forensic experts supports you quickly and securely in the event of an IT security incident - whether on-site or remote. In doing so, we pay attention to a secure restart to keep downtime as low as possible. All digital traces are secured, documented and analyzed by us in a court-proof manner at all times. In addition, our preventive IT forensics offer you technical and organizational measures to be best prepared for an IT emergency.
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