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Our vision is a digital world that people trust.

About us






We offer

  • Application security
  • Authentication
  • User (rights) management
  • Identity and access management
  • Single sign-on


  • Energy and water supply
  • Healthcare
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • E-Commerce
Zeppelinstraße 10
73760 Ostfildern

About us

Since our founding in 1999 near Stuttgart, we have been continuously expanding our expertise in the field of identity and access management. We are enthusiastic about modern cloud technologies and open-source software such as Keycloak to build scalable, reliable and secure solutions.

Our mission is to support our customers in digitalisation with secure and reliable software. To this end, we create solutions for dealing with digital identities that every organization can use and adapt flexibly.

intension and Keycloak

At intension, we have extensive expertise in Keycloak implementation and consulting. Since our founding in 1999, we have continuously expanded our expertise in the field of identity and access management. We are enthusiastic about modern cloud technologies and open source software such as Keycloak, which we use to build scalable, reliable and secure solutions.

Our Keycloak offer

We support you with the basic installation of Keycloak, the integration of your systems and the implementation of the GDPR requirements. This allows us to provide your users with a seamless and straightforward user experience. During the project, we will also support you in further expansion up to high availability and cloud readiness and provide best practices.

Keycloak as a service

In addition to consulting and implementation, we offer Keycloak as a Service, reducing maintenance and operating costs with our reliable, secure and up-to-date identity management solution. We adapt the look and feel of Keycloak to your design and implement your individual requirements with extensions. Login-MasterLogin-Master is our comprehensive, flexible and cost-effective B2B and B2C CIAM solution for web portals and internet applications. With SecuRole®, we have answers to previously unsolved questions about the assignment and control of access rights. Whether on-premises or in the cloud, we help you scale and bring your products faster and closer to your customers. This increases user retention, engagement, and conversion, giving you a more competitive position in your market.

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The Träp | Login Master | Keycloak SaaS | Keycloak | IAM | CIAM


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