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Smart-Card Management




Public key infrastructure Identity and access management Electronic signatures Admission control Access protection Authentication Physical IT-security Application security

Key Facts

  • Self-service client for personalization
  • Support of all lifecycle processes of Smartcards
  • Support of all HR processes

Product Description

Our smartcard management system was developed for the management of personnel cards. It allows access to all data and actions of each smartcard. Our smartcard management system can be seamlessly integrated into existing infrastructures. In addition, it allows the activation of a smartcard by the cardholder himself. It enables the creation and management of a wide variety of card types, such as student, employee, guest or access cards with different rights. Larger quantities of smartcards can be easily issued using the batch process. Smartcards can also be created using imported data records from another system, such as SAP. The production of smartcards can be easily outsourced to a partner using the Lettershop function. All smartcards can be linked to existing access systems, for example Kaba exos, depending on the cardholder's rights. The solution can manage card data generated by external systems or manually entered card data. Our smart card management system can be operated via a browser. The design of the user interface and associated functions is implemented according to the customer's requirements, and can be customized to meet their individual needs. The solution is operated via a menu, which offers all actions, as well as extensive search functions to filter the desired records. All possible actions for the smartcard are visualized for the user by self-explanatory icons. Filtered search results can be exported as an Excel list. A "history" of each person can also be called up, which lists all information of this person.
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