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CEMA Certificate Manager


Cryptography Public key infrastructure Electronic signatures Authentication Security management Endpoint security Cloud (computing) security Web application security Network security Mobile security

Key Facts

  • Supports automatic enrollment via protocols
  • Provides certificates via different CA's
  • Uses REST API for customized clients

Product Description

Our newly developed Certificate Manager is an application that helps you organize all the certificates of your company efficiently. It unifies them in one system so that you always have an overview of all the certificates used by your company. It notifies in a configurable way when certificates are approaching the end of their life, so that the responsible manager can take appropriate actions for their renewal and replacement. This certificate management solution helps you maintain certificates securely throughout their lifecycle. You become much more efficient, because with this certificate manager you are now able to change rules and permissions not only for a single certificate, but for many at once, so-called batch/bulk operations. Our newly developed CEMA Certmanager supports automatic enrollments via all common protocols: These include ACME, SCEP, MS NDES, MS Autoenrollment, Intune. CEMA Certmanager supports manual issuance of certificates via various internal and external CA's: including EJBCA, Microsoft CA, GlobalSign. With CEMA Certmanager you can trigger automated deployment of certificates to additional devices, this is beneficial for printers for example. CEMA Certmanager uses REST-API to control CEMA by customized clients.
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