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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-215

SDoT Cross Domain Solutions



Key Facts

  • Für alle uni- & bidirektionalen Szenarien sowie Datentypen
  • Kombatibel zu OPSWAT Metadefender

Product Description

The ITAR free Secure Domain Transition (SDoT) product family cross domain solutions are designed and manufactured in Germany under continuous evaluation of the German Federal Office of Information Security (BSI) and supply chain transparency. Additional independent evaluations were conducted by NATO SECAN, another EU information security agency as well as commercial labs for common criteria (CC EAL 4+).

Bi-directional SDoT Security Gateway (SGW) / High-assurance Guard for domain separation and filtering/exchange of structured (e.g. XML, NMEA, DIS, HLA) data via policies and unstructured data (e.g. pdf, jpg, docx) via tamper proof NATO compliant security labels.

Bi-directional SDoT Security Gateway Express (SGW X) for high-speed, low latency scenarios with structured data objects (e.g. XML, JREAP, ASTERIX, ADatP3).

Unidirectional SDoT Software Data Diode (SDD) with up to 9.1 Gbit/s and a latency of 0.025 ms.

Data classification service via the SDoT Labelling Service (LS) to create NATO STANAG 4774/8 compliant security labels that are cryptographically bound to data objects.

Tactical data cross domain solution (SDoT Diode or SDoT Security Gateway Express) as SDoT COMPACT-LAND (COMP-LAND) in highly ruggedized and small form factor to withstand shock, atltitude and extreme climate zones.

SDoT products support TCP, UDP, HTTP/S and SMTP/S. The SGW/X can be configured as a data diode. They are available as 19", 1U appliances or as COMP-LAND in 30x30x6 cm. Appliances support fiber or copper.

As part of its security-by-design architecture and SecOps, each SDoT appliance comes with two laptops for configuration: SDoT Administration & Audit Center (AAC) and SDoT Certificate Authority Center (CAC). Upon request products can be delivered as ruggedized versions. It is also possible to produce special batches to meet unique end-user specifications (e.g. shock, non-magnetic steel).

SDoT products are tested and approved by OPSWAT for metadefender.

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