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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-215

Key Facts

  • Utilized SDoT Cross Domain Solutions
  • Combines hardware & software
  • IT ecosystem agnostic

Product Description

Highly sensitive systems and data assets (domains) are often separated from the Internet or less critical systems. This is a common practice among government, defense and critical infrastructure information security professionals. Separation is achieved through isolation, commonly referenced as an air gap. While isolation significantly increases the barrier for data exfiltration or malware infection, Cyberattacks can still happen in various ways. The Stuxnet attack of the Iranian nuclear program is a prominent case in point. However, keeping isolated systems updated with patches requires time and manual labor and is error prone (“swivel chair” or “sneaker” networks) as any software update has to be checked for malware and then transferred to the isolated system. combines the SECRET accredited and mission proven SDoT Product Family Cross Domain Solutions with Solardwind’s leading patch management solution to take the work load from administrators and replace the sneaker / swivel chair network with a proven solution for logical network separation and controlled connectivity. 

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