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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-215

Ethical Hacking / Pentesting / Red Teaming

Key Facts

  • BSI certified provider for penetration tests
  • IT / OT Penetrationtests
  • Read Teaming

Product Description

Our team knows key penetration testing standards because it’s members were part of their design. We diligently follow our standards which ensures repeatability and transparency in technical security assessments. Combined with creativity and an average of over 10 years of experience as ethical hackers with numerous certificates, we make sure your organization and systems are thorougly tested to enhance your security posture.

How we identify the strengths and weaknesses of your IT / OT:

- Incident Response

- Red Teaming

- Blackbox, Greybox, Whitebox Security Audits & Pentests

- OSSTMM, OWASP, BSI, PCI-DSS, NIST 800-115, ISO/IEC 27002, 27008:2019

- Web Application Tests - OWASP

- IS-Webchecks - BSI - ICS / SCADA Testing

- TeleTrust IEC 62443-4-2 - Configurationaudit

- Vulnerability Assessments


This is what we test

- Office IT

- printer, Fax, telephone (VoIP, PBX, Hard- & Soft)

- Web / Client applications

- Networks (FW, IPS/IDS, Router, Switch, WLAN, Bluetooth, VPN)

- Server (Win, Linux, AIX, Unix, Mac OS X)

- Virtualization, Active Directory, NAS


- Smart Meter Gateway Penetrationstests (BSI TR 03109-6 & TR 03145-1)

- Ethernet based industrial protocols

- TCP/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, LON, LONTalk, BACnet, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Modbus/ASCII, RTU, TCP; CAN, EtherCAT, CIP, Ethernet Powerlink, S-BUS, Ether-S-Bus, #Ether-S-I/o, KNX(EIB), KNXnet/Ip (EIBnet/IP), HART, HART-IP, OMRON-FINS  

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