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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-215

Cybersecurity Consulting

Key Facts

  • BSI certified IT-Security provider
  • ISMS I Classified Information Protection I Data protection
  • Cloud Security I Ransomware protection I Audit I BC/DRM

Product Description

Digitized public and private sector organizations are facing complex challenges coming from regulatory changes and diffuse cyber threats with ever new attack vectors. We apply our indepth understanding of Cyberrisks and identity the appropriate counter measures to ensure resilience at all levels of your organization.

Our clients benefit from decades of information security experience and our continuous investment in our employees through trainings. All of our consultants, auditors, ethical hackers, data protection officers (DPO) and information security officers (ISO) have security background checks and relevant certificates such as CISSP, CISM, TISP, OSCP, CEH, BSI IT-Grundschutz Consultants.

We are one of the few Cybersecurity consulting firms in Germany that are certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) to conduct information security audits, consulting and penetration testing in federal agencies.

These are our core offerings

- Risk- and Vulnerability Assessments

- Strategy and Concepts


- Classified Information Protection

- Cloud Security

- Ransomware protection


- Audit & Audit Preparation

- IT-Security Traininigs

- External DPO

- External ISO / ISMS Support

- BCM & DR

- Pentesting / Red Teaming

- M&A Cybersecurity due-diligence review

... read more

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