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indevis Secure SD-WAN




Planning of data centers and IT infrastructures Managed security services High availability Bandwidth management Network security

Key Facts

  • Secure branch office connection
  • WAN Optimization
  • Managed Security Service

Product Description

Many applications require direct Internet access and more and more applications are being moved across multiple clouds. As a result, data traffic volume and complexity in multi-branch organizations increases dramatically. Traditional connections are time consuming to deploy and high performance, cost-effective broadband connections are limited in certain locations. This leads to poor user experience and increased security risks.

Decentralized companies with different locations are therefore increasingly switching from WANs with limited performance to an SD-WAN architecture. With good reason: An SD-WAN solution not only enables cost savings and convenient management of business applications, but also offers more performance for SaaS applications (Software-as-a-Service) and bandwidth-intensive communication services.

Advantages of the indevis Secure SD-WAN Service:

  • Provision of the complete SD-WAN infrastructure including operational responsibility
  • Worldwide centralized management of the SD-WAN solution
  • Consistent level of security to protect branch offices, mobile users and data centers
  • Optimal user experience and cost efficiency
  • Full service by indevis: devices, licenses, setup, policies and much more.
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