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indevis Managed Firewall


Managed security services Firewalls Unified threat management (UTM) / security appliances Network security

Key Facts

  • Cyber Security
  • Firewall as a Service
  • Malware Protection

Product Description

The permanent maintenance of firewall systems, updates and the adjustment of policies and rules requires a lot of know-how and time. It is becoming increasingly difficult for many organizations to have specialized service personnel available who are constantly informed about the latest threats. In addition, high investments in hardware, licenses and maintenance are necessary, which many companies prefer to settle in the form of monthly expenses. Constantly evolving attack methods mean that companies are affected by professional industrial espionage and have to fear both economic and reputational damage.

Anyone who constantly adapts the security settings in their systems to the latest attack methods can quickly identify and ward off cyber attacks and thus protect their company. With its comprehensive Managed Firewall service, indevis always offers up-to-date protection against attacks from the web. Our partnership with firewall manufacturers Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet and a highly skilled security operations team enables us to secure your networks 24/7 with the most advanced technologies, tailored to your unique needs. The indevis firewall service is billed as a monthly fee based on the size and number of firewalls used, the number of included standard changes, the selected support times and the desired availability.

Advantages of the indevis Firewall Service:

  • Professional use of the latest protection technologies
  • Cost savings and maintenance of a highly complex firewall system
  • Full service by indevis: devices, licenses, setup, policies, exchange service and much more.
  • Proactive management by the indevis security operations team according to the selected scope of services
  • Responsibility for availability as well as change, incident, problem and patch management on the part of indevis
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