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indevis E-Mail Security




Managed security services Anti-virus and malware protection Anti-spam solutions Email security

Key Facts

  • E-Mail Security
  • Managed Security Service

Product Description

indevis E-Mail Security is characterized by a very high spam detection rate. This outstanding performance is primarily achieved through the dynamic registration of spam-sending IPs in a global database. Every mail-sending IP address gets a rating in this database. Based on this global check of the trustworthiness of e-mail senders, legitimate senders can be effectively distinguished from spam senders. Depending on the rating in this database, our systems accept or reject emails. indevis E-Mail Security includes a powerful anti-virus engine. In combination with your existing anti-virus solution, you protect your organization against computer viruses in two stages. A virus outbreak filter that is also integrated protects against virus outbreaks through proactive filter guidelines as long as no adequate signature files for anti-virus products are available.

Advanced Malware Protection: Suspicious emails and email attachments are checked against a global hash database. If the e-mails or e-mail attachments are unknown, the data is sent to a cloud-based sandbox. The sandbox process makes it possible to detect new and unknown malicious code. This method is a unique protection against targeted "zero-day attacks" in which attempts are made to compromise companies with unknown malicious code.

Advantages of the indevis E-Mail Security Service:

  • All-in-one: spam protection, anti-virus, outbreak filter, encryption
  • Advanced Malware Protection: global, cloud-based sandbox protects against unknown "zero-day malware"
  • Self Service Portal for administrators with access to spam quarantine
  • High availability thanks to redundancy; with backup and central management
  • All-round service by indevis: setup and design, service desk, reporting
  • Scalable costs; Investment shift from Capex to Opex
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