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indevis Authentication




Managed security services Network access control (NAC) Identity and access management Access protection Single sign-on Authentication

Key Facts

  • Authentication Service
  • Multi Factor Authentication
  • Managed Security Service

Product Description

indevis Authentication offers companies and organizations of all sizes a user authentication system with dynamic passwords based on RSA SecurID. Already since 1999, indevis Authentication operates an RSA authentication server in a specially secured data center of a major bank. High availability of the infrastructure is provided by a redundant second data center. Many thousands of tokens of the indevis authentication solution have already been rolled out and protect company resources of inestimable value until today. indevis Authentication is a perfectly scalable rental model and already available for minimal costs per month. For a monthly flat rate, your company rents as many tokens as you need in your organization - you can rent individual tokens for each new employee. This drastically reduces the total cost of ownership and your company can immediately use a fully functional RSA SecurID authentication without a large initial investment. You have the choice between hardware, SMS and software tokens. The latter can optimize the workflow for distributing and managing two-factor authentication for global mobile workers.

indevis authentication services:

  • indevis operates and administrates the RSA ACE/Server
  • indevis administrates the RSA SecurID user administration
  • indevis takes over the token rollout in your company
  • indevis replaces old and lost tokens
  • indevis advises, trains and sensitizes your employees for authentication

Your advantages:

  • Highly secure multi-factor authentication (hardware token, SMS token, software token
  • Connection via VPN and AES encryption
  • High availability through redundant outsourcing to professional data centers
  • Optional virtual system with own administration interface
  • All-round service by indevis: setup and design, token rollout, replacement service, service desk
  • Scalable
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