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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-510

Security Awareness Service



Key Facts

  • Intelligent Awareness Benchmarking (ESI®)
  • Needs-based E-Training
  • Patented Spear Phishing Engine

Product Description

Security Awareness Service

Automated. Continuous. Effortless.

Establish your sustainable security culture. With a Service that is fully automated and continuously customized to your employees’ awareness level.

  • Award-winning Awareness Engine offers needs-based security awareness service individually for employees.
  • Patented Spear Phishing Engine simulates sophisticated spear phishing attacks on enterprise level.
  • Leverages the Employee Security Index (ESI®) as an industry-wide unique benchmark with which the security behavior of employees is continuously measured, compared and controlled.
  • Easy to use, highly automated so that effort is greatly reduced.
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