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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-510

365 Permission Manager


Email security

Key Facts


Product Description

365 Permission Manager offers a convenient and user-friendly interface for M365 admins to get a more comprehensive view of permissions and whether items are shared with others, helping them to better protect sensitive information. It allows M365 admins to define compliance policies for sharing sites, files, and folders in Microsoft 365 and then easily monitor the states of policy compliance, and to audit policy violations – which helps organizations maintain compliance with internal and external regulations and policies.

Features of 365 Permission Manager:

  • Dashboard gives you an overview of the compliance status of SharePoint sites and shows you critical sharing permissions at a glance
  • Perform bulk actions to manage permissions at scale
  • Use Quick Actions to fix permissions on multiple sites at once
  • Assign out-of-the-box best practice policies, or create custom defined compliance polices for SharePoint sites, Teams, or OneDrive accounts
  • Receive alerts for critical shares or policy violations
  • Audit function gives you the option to approve or reject policy violations
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