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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-527

HiScout Questionnaire



Product Description

  Freely configurable questionnaires for decentralised data collection: With the HiScout Questionnaire, security officers can create digital questionnaire templates, send them automatically to the contact persons in the specialist departments and, after checking them, import the results into the HiScout database with one click. The procedure is suitable both for the initial collection of data and for regular data maintenance. Typical use cases are the processes for compliance with IT baseline protection and data protection, protection needs assessments and general surveys in the company.  In the HiScout Questionnaire, responsible persons, recipients and e-mail templates are stored in addition to the questionnaire templates. Afterwards, the data collection workflow is fully automated. Completed questionnaires are returned to the responsible person for review. The latter can check and accept the answers individually or, in case of discrepancies, reject them with explanatory comments, thus triggering further processing rounds. When data is imported into the HiScout software, changes from previous versions are saved and documented in an audit-proof manner. The error source of manual data entry is eliminated. How can you use the HiScout Questionnaire in your company? - Internal and external surveys and data collection - Processes for compliance with IT baseline protection and data protection - Determining the need for protection and conducting business impact analyses - Raising awareness on topics such as cyber security, health and sustainability - Opinion surveys on business issues and employee satisfaction The HiScout Questionnaire is an extension of the HiScout platform for the modules HiScout Basic Protection, HiScout ISM, HiScout Data Protection and HiScout BCM and other applications.   
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