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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-527

HiScout Data protection

Product Description

Software for data protection management according to EU-DSGVO: With HiScout Data Protection, you can set up a legally compliant data protection management system for your organisation in a short time. Even if you are not a data protection professional, you will be guided step by step through all data protection topics - from the creation of the processing directory to the deletion concept to the management of data protection incidents. Evidence and documentation from your previous data protection tools can be uploaded as applicable documents in HiScout for a seamless transition. All the reports you need to fulfil the verification requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are generated automatically. The HiScout Cockpit with clear graphics and diagrams gives you a quick overview of the current situation at any time. The questionnaire templates of the innovative questionnaire technology support you in questioning employees and external service providers about the processing activities you carry out or are responsible for. The questionnaires are sent, checked and read into the HiScout database in an automated process.  Step by step to legally compliant data protection management: - Directory of processing activities - Protection needs assessment with threshold analysis  - Data protection impact assessment (DSFA)  - Deletion concept at the push of a button - Technical and organisational measures (TOMs) - Management of order processing contracts and joint responsibility contracts - Compliance with data subject rights and audit-proof documentation  HiScout Data Protection can be expanded into an integrated management system with a common database. Use your organisational master data, protection needs assessments, risk analyses and action planning across the board in the HiScout Basic Protection, HiScout ISM, HiScout Data Protection and HiScout BCM modules.   
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