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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-527

HiScout BCM

Product Description

Software for business continuity management according to ISO 22301:2019 and BSI 100-4 as well as future 200-4: The HiScout BCM module is a new generation of BCM tool that generates measurable benefits even in normal operation and maps the entire process of business continuity management. Create business impact analyses (BIA), risk analyses according to BSI standard 200-3 and action plans for emergency preparedness and response.  Automated processes support you in organising and conducting emergency exercises and tests. Prepared documents are available for audits and proof of regulatory requirements.  Should a real emergency occur, the HiScout BCM software helps you to professionally manage loss scenarios, minimise damage and ensure the continued existence of your organisation even in difficult times. Client management with comprehensive role and rights control is available for use in large and complex organisations. The highly flexible data model of the HiScout platform can be individually extended and grows with the maturity of the organisation. Customised user interfaces support the efficient processing of specific tasks. With the innovative questionnaire technology, an automated questionnaire procedure, data collection is carried out directly on site with employees and service providers. The preconfigured templates for BIA reports, emergency manuals, business continuation and restart plans can be adapted to your needs with HiScout DocGen. HiScout BCM can be expanded into an integrated management system with a common database. Use your organisational master data, protection needs assessments, risk analyses and action plans across the board in the HiScout BCM, HiScout Basic Protection, HiScout ISM and HiScout Data Protection modules.   
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