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HARFANGLAB of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-206


Your endpoints, our protection. Scalable, transparent, adaptive, efficient.

About us


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We offer

  • Endpoint security
  • APT protection
  • Intrusion detection / prevention
  • Anti-virus and malware protection
  • Artificial intelligence


  • E-government
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Critical Infrastractures

About us

HarfangLab is a French cybersecurity company specializing in endpoint protection. HarfangLab publishes technologies that anticipate and neutralize cyber-attacks on computers and servers, as well as providing a better understanding of your IT infrastructure for improved security. HarfangLab was the first EDR to be certified by the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and today boasts a large number of customers, including administrations, companies and international organizations operating in highly sensitive sectors. HarfangLab’s solutions are distinguished by: their openness, with solutions that integrate natively with all other security bricks; their transparency, as the data collected by the tools remains accessible; and the strategic autonomy they offer, as its customers are free to choose their hosting mode: cloud, public, private, or their own infrastructure.

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Artificial intelligence | certified by ANSSI and approved by BSI | strategic autonomy | European cybersecurity | on-premise and on cloud | Endpoint security


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