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GREYCORTEX of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-319


NDR for enterprise networks & IDS for industrial control networks.

About us


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We offer

  • Network security
  • Business continuity
  • Computer emergency response team (CERT)
  • Data leakage / loss prevention

About us

GREYCORTEX is one of the main providers of NDR (Network Detection and Response) security solutions for IT and OT (industrial) networks. It ensures their security and reliability with its Mendel solution, which provides perfect visibility into the network and, thanks to machine learning and advanced data analysis, discovers any network anomalies and detects any threats at their early stages.

GREYCORTEX Mendel provides:

Powerful detection of threats and anomalies in their early stages:

  • Cyber-crime, hacker activities, ransomware, undetected malware
  • Misconfigurations and changes to your network configuration
  • Multiple behavioral detection methods, including unsupervised machine learning, statistical analysis, threat intelligence, IDS signatured and event correlation
  • Everything in the context of time and events

Easy XDR integration:

  • Maximum visibility into the entire infrastructure:
  • User identity, device tagging and inventory details
  • Performance monitoring of applications, devices and your network
  • Quick uncovering of the root cause of problems
  • Minimized incident response time and automatic blocking of unwanted communications
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cyber security | network monitoring | NDR | XDR


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