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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-232


Product Expert





Identity and access management Network security

Key Facts

  • SCEPman is a Certification Authority (CA) directly in the cloud that deploys certificates via SCEP.
  • SCEPman sets up a Microsoft Azure Key Vault including CA certificate during installation, so you don't have to worry about anything to successfully start and operate SCEPman.
  • SCEPman is cost-effective, highly available, secure and easy to operate.

Product Description

SCEPman is our cloud-based Certificate Authority that eliminates the need for on premises components like a Microsoft PKI. It enables certificate-based WiFi authentication for clients managed by Intune and JAMF.

As an Azure App, SCEPman runs directly in your Azure tenant, keeping all your data in your security space. Installation takes just a few minutes and operation is intuitive.

SCEPman can issue certificates for both clients (devices and users) and AD domain controllers (Hybrid Key Trust for WHFB). The validation of the certificates is done via the modern OCSP protocol. For each validation, SCEPman queries the corresponding device/user via your identity provider, be it Azure AD or JAMF.

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