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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-232





Identity and access management Network security

Key Facts

  • 100 % cloud based Radius SaaS for certificate based authentication for WIFI, LAN and VPN.
  • Radius as a Service especially for Modern Workplace customers.
  • PKIs with OCSP supported. Perfect match for the super-easy SCEPman cloud PKI.

Product Description

RADIUSaaS offers easy and secure authentication for accessing network resources. It delivers the comfort, reliability, and scalability of a native cloud SaaS. From a protocol side, we support RADIUS as well as RadSec.

Authentication is based on certificates. RADIUSaaS can validate any certificate which can be used for client authentication. However, to be able to lock someone out of your network with a revoked certificate, choose a Certificate Authority (CA) that has an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). RADIUSaaS automatically generates XML configuration files for WIFI and LAN profiles.

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