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Fudo Security Inc. of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-209

Fudo Security Inc.

Prevent insider data leaks & protect your privileged accounts.

About us


Floor plan


Related Companies


We offer

  • Network access control (NAC)
  • Access protection
  • Admission control


  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Critical Infrastractures

About us

Secure Remote Access is in our DNA. Our expertise in security is confirmed by years of experience, hundreds of satisfied customers and a global distribution channel.Our mission is to design the friendliest and most reliable solutions to arm organizations against the abuse of privileges.Our products allow you to monitor the activity of users with access to critical assets, help you manage the password policy and alert you in case of any suspicious behavior.

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Floor plan


Adhering to compliance requirements | Mitigate Insider Attacks
| Privileged Access Management | PAM


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