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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-511

FTAPI SecuRooms




Document management

Key Facts

  • Browser-based data rooms
  • End-to-end-encryption
  • Secure data storage

Product Description

Files and documents can be stored end-to-end in encrypted form in the virtual data rooms and shared with colleagues, partners or customers. This facilitates and accelerates collaboration across company boundaries. Data rooms are ideal for due diligence, mergers & acquisitions or other projects where secure, centralized information storage and collaboration play a crucial role. Regardless of the industry, data security is an absolute priority for data rooms. The loss of confidential information can not only lead to the end of business partnerships, but in the worst case scenario can also have far-reaching legal consequences. For this reason, data security is one of the non-negotiable requirements for collaboration on a platform.You can access FTAPI SecuRooms at any time and from anywhere and securely store data of any size or sensitivity. Decide for yourself who gets access to your files and documents and make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands.
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