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default Stage Background
Research & Development

Fraunhofer AISEC

Innovating with Security

About us








We offer

  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Data protection, data security
  • Consulting IT security
  • Open source (software and services)
  • Publications


  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
Lichtenbergstraße 11
85748 Garching b. München

About us

The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC is considered one of the world-leading institution for applied research in cybersecurity. More than 230 highly qualified researchers develop customized security concepts and solutions for commercial businesses and the public sector, boosting the overall competitiveness of clients and partners. Fraunhofer AISEC designs solutions for enhanced data security and effective defense against cybercrimes such as corporate espionage and tampering attacks. The institute's portfolio ranges from embedded and hardware security, automotive and mobile security to security solutions for industry and automation. In addition, the cutting-edge test labs at Fraunhofer AISEC allow for evaluating the security of networked and embedded systems, hardware and software products as well as cloud and web-based services.

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Fraunhofer | Research | Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) | Cybersecurity | IT Security | Applied and Integrated Security


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